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If any of the punishments constituting the set is unserved actual imprisonment, actual imprisonment shall be imposed as the aggregate punishment. An offender shall not be remunerated for community service. If the undertaking fails to submit the required information on time, the economic administrative authority need not adjudicate the application for an activity licence. If an offender withdraws his or her consent for application of electronic surveillance prior to expiry of the term of punishment, the court shall enforce the imprisonment substituted. Serving of sentence in parts 1 If a court imposes a pecuniary punishment, detention, or imprisonment for a term of up to six months, the court, taking into consideration the situation of the family and the professional activities of the offender and his or her state of health, may order the pecuniary punishment to be paid in instalments or the punishment to be borne in parts.

Prohibition to repeatedly consider mitigating or aggravating circumstances The mitigating or aggravating circumstances provided for in §§ 57 and 58 of this Code shall not be considered in imposition of a punishment if they are described by law as the necessary elements of an offence. Mitigation of punishment in cases Aclaus valu alkohoolses by law 1 In the cases Aclaus valu alkohoolses in the General Part of this Code, a court may mitigate the punishment of a person pursuant to the procedure provided for in subsections 2 - 4 of this section.

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Active remorse A court may apply the provisions of § 60 or release a person from the punishment if the act committed comprises the necessary elements of a Aclaus valu alkohoolses offence but the person voluntarily abandons further commission of the act or eliminates the risk in any other manner. Imposition of less onerous punishment than minimum term or rate 1 Taking into consideration special circumstances, a court or a body conducting extra-judicial proceedings may impose a less onerous punishment than the minimum term or rate provided by law.

Imposition of principal Aclaus valu alkohoolses supplementary punishments One principal punishment and one or several supplementary punishments may be imposed for one offence. Imposition of principal punishment for several offences 1 If a person commits an act which comprises the necessary elements of several offences, one Aclaus valu alkohoolses shall be imposed on the person on the basis of the provision of law which prescribes the most onerous punishment.

Imposition of aggregate punishment 1 In the case of principal punishments of the same type, the aggregate punishment shall be imposed by increasing the most onerous of the individual punishments imposed or by considering a lesser punishment to be imposed by imposition of the most onerous one.

Subsequent imposition of aggregate punishment 1 If, after the pronouncement of a conviction, it is ascertained that the offender has committed another criminal offence prior to the pronouncement of the conviction, an aggregate punishment shall be imposed pursuant to the procedure provided for in § 64 of this Code. Punishment served in part or in full pursuant to the previous conviction shall be deducted from the aggregate punishment.

In such case, the aggregate punishment shall not exceed the maximum term of the given type of punishment.

Очень хороший вопрос, - отозвался Арчи, - однако ответ будет сложным, а потому позвольте мне экономии ради ограничиться упрощенным объяснением: мы полагаем, что личность имеет право на свободный выбор в этом вопросе. И еще, как вы сегодня увидите, альтернаты также выполняют в нашей колонии определенные функции - при взаимной выгоде. Выехав из отведенной людям зоны, повозка направилась не тем путем, которым они ехали на стадион в День Изобилия.

If any of the punishments constituting the set is unserved actual imprisonment, actual imprisonment shall be imposed as the aggregate punishment. Serving of sentence in parts 1 If a court imposes a pecuniary punishment, detention, or imprisonment for a term of up to six months, the court, taking into consideration the situation of the family and the professional activities of the offender and his or her state of health, may order the pecuniary punishment to Aclaus valu alkohoolses paid in instalments or the punishment to Aclaus valu alkohoolses borne in parts.

General Part of the Economic Activities Code Act – Riigi Teataja

The court shall determine the duration of the imprisonment or detention to be Aclaus valu alkohoolses consecutively, or the amounts of the instalments of the pecuniary punishment.

The duration of imprisonment or detention to be borne consecutively shall be at least two days.

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Calculation of terms of punishment 1 A term of imprisonment shall be calculated in years, months and days. One day of detention corresponds to twenty-four hours. Consideration of provisional custody and detention 1 Provisional custody, including the time spent in provisional arrest and arrest for surrender, shall be included in the term of a punishment.

Скорее всего октопауки посетили не одну планетную систему и позаимствовали с разных планет существ, простейшим образом переделывающихся в соответствии с необходимостью. Но я даже на минуту не могу согласиться с тем, что вся эта гармония порождена естественной Путь двум страусозаврам и их пятерым наездникам освещали три гигантские светляка. Через пару часов группа приблизилась к большому озеру, уходящему к югу и западу. Страусозавры припали к земле, чтобы Арчи и четверо людей могли сойти.

One day of provisional custody corresponds to one day of imprisonment or three daily rates Aclaus valu alkohoolses a pecuniary punishment. Twenty-four hours of custody correspond to one day of detention or to ten fine units. Community service Aclaus valu alkohoolses If a court imposes detention or imprisonment for a term of up to two years or enforces a conditional prison sentence imposed pursuant to the procedure provided for in §§ 73 or 74 of this Code, the court may substitute it by community service.

Penal Code – Riigi Teataja

One day of detention or imprisonment corresponds to one hour of community service which minimum duration is five hours. Detention or imprisonment shall be substituted by community service only with the consent of the offender.

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If an offender performs community service during the time free from his or her other work or studies, the duration of community service shall not exceed four hours a day. An offender shall not be remunerated for community service.

An activity licence issued to an undertaking in foundation becomes effective upon the acquisition of passive legal capacity thereby at the earliest. The economic administrative authority reasons the necessity for additional information and determines a reasonable time limit for the submission thereof. Adjudication of applications for activity licences 1 An economic administrative authority adjudicates applications for activity licences by grant of or refusal to grant an activity licence within 30 days after submission of the application.

A court may suspend the running of the term due to an illness or family situation of the offender or for a period during which the offender is in compulsory military service, alternative service or reserve service.

Upon suspension Aclaus valu alkohoolses the term and upon determination of a new term, the court shall take into account the general term of community service prescribed for the respective offence.

The hours of community service imposed on an offender may be deemed to be covered to the extent of up to one-forth by participation in any activities which reduce the risk of commission of a new criminal offence. If necessary, the court may, before substituting detention or imprisonment by community service, order the medical examination of the offender in order to ascertain whether the state of health of the offender enables him or her to perform community service.

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In the case of enforcement of detention or imprisonment, the sentence shall Aclaus valu alkohoolses deemed to be served to the extent of the community service performed by the offender, whereas one hour of community service corresponds to one day of detention or imprisonment. In the case of enforcement of detention of less than ten days, the sentence shall be deemed to be served to the extent of the hours of community service performed by the offender in proportion to the detention imposed.

The aggregate punishment shall be imposed pursuant to the provisions of subsection 65 2 of this Code.

Substitution of imprisonment by electronic surveillance 1 If a court imposes imprisonment of Aclaus valu alkohoolses to one year, the court may substitute the imprisonment by electronic surveillance. One day of imprisonment corresponds to one day of electronic surveillance. Imprisonment shall be substituted by electronic surveillance only with the consent of the offender.

If an offender withdraws his or her consent for application of electronic surveillance Polve valutab korvuti to expiry of the term of punishment, the court shall enforce the imprisonment substituted.

Substitution of imprisonment by treatment 1 If imprisonment of six Aclaus valu alkohoolses up to two years is imposed on a person for an act which he or she committed due to a treatable or controllable mental disorder, the court may substitute the imprisonment by treatment. If an offender withdraws his or her consent for application of treatment prior to the end of the term of treatment or if treatment is suspended with respective prescription of a doctor due to side effects of the treatment or other medical indications, the court shall enforce the imprisonment imposed on the offender.

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Substitution of fine to extent of assets by imprisonment 1 If an offender fails to pay the amount of the fine imposed on him or her to the extent of his or her assets, Aclaus valu alkohoolses court shall substitute the fine by imprisonment. Fifty minimum daily rates of a fine to the extent of assets correspond to one day of imprisonment. Substitution of fine by detention or community service [RT I44, - entry into force If the fine imposed on the offender is from three to nine fine units, the fine shall correspond to one day of detention upon substitution of detention by community service.

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Chapter 5.